Hela In The Community
Fire Circle guided by Hela
During a retreat at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana, I had the honor of leading a Fire Ceremony. This was a magical moment with beautiful souls. We shared intentions, journaled, and I led a Reiki meditation. Like all of the Hela circles, we ended with a howl to offer our intentions to The Great Mother. The evening before we gathered for a drum circle was a drum circle with Matthew and Tracy of Marsolek and family. The vibration was high, my Sisters.
Prayer Circle led by Hela
During a retreat at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana, we hiked to a sacred space called a Stupa. Feeling compelled to create a ceremony and community, I led a simple circle. Similar to other Hela Circles, we called upon the ancestors and Goddesses as we shared our prayers which we infused into the Tibetan Prayer flags.